the 6 pillars of wgc


Next Generation Architecture will drive the change in the building industry. Solar PV Integration into building skin with Energy Efficient Eco smart solutions will determine our new way of thinking and will lead us to a more sustainable environment. Carbon neutral or Zero Energy buildings will dramaticly reduce pollution in overpopulated cities woldwide. Europa Studio International is commited to provide innovative architectural design solutions for Eco-Homes, Solar-Powered service stations, bus stations, Zero Energy Eco-Hotels and public buildings with integrated solar pv (BIPV) solutions. World Green Citizen global initiative offers us a new common platform for change, share creative ideas with decision makers and global citizens worldwide. Change before you have to …

Zsolt ZomboriFounder & CEO of EUROPA STUDIO, Sustainable Architect & Winner of European Solar Prize 2012 & National Energy Globe Award 2014

This century will be about cleaning up the mess and mistakes from the last century. This “mess” relates to how our overconsumption has wrecked havoc on the natural world. The waste and byproducts of overconsumption has polluted the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land that we all share. This is a spiritual and temporal crisis and we will be held accountable for how we treated the planet along with every other action we have done. Right now, there are scores of people focused on cleaning up this mess. They are charting a new way forward and learning how to make more, with less, for more people and in a more sustainable way. As a World Green Citizen I work to use the symbolic language of stories to share, translate, transmit and amplify these people and their stories!

Ibrahim Abdul MatinAuthor of "Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet" and former sustainability policy advisor to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg

There are things in life that are understandable and simple as they are. They are being taught by our mothers from early childhood. It's called Love. Love and Care for everything that surrounds us. Be a member of World Green Citizen. Believe and create world a better place!

В мире есть вещи, которые не подлежат обсуждению. Это то, что просто и понятно без слов.То,что впитывается с молоком матери с раннего детства. Любовь. Любовь и Забота по отношению ко всему, что нас окружает. Вставайте в ряды World Green Citizen. Давайте делать мир лучше !

Tatiana Vishnevskaya Public Figure on National TV & president of Cherry Media - RUSSIA

I am very glad to endorse the World Green Citizen initiative which is part of the 21july2019 project, and I believe that it will bring a clear understanding on what is Sustainable Development and how to implement it step by step from an individual & citizen perspective. World Green Citizen initiative is a progressive and evolutive platform where each of us, can contribute with big and small ideas to make things happen. We can learn from each other across the globe. I strongly encourage the young generation as future leaders to take ownership of their destiny.

HH Sh.Abdulaziz Al Nuaimi Founder & CEO, Al Ihsan Charity Center

In compliance with its environmental policy, Lucky Group continues to function in a role of decreasing ecological footprints as a recycler and further promotes these concepts through means of various environmental forums, eco tours in our recycling facilities, and internal workplace awareness. The World Green Citizen Initiative is the ideal forum for the Group to carry out its educating and informative roles forward, and combine efforts with an intensive vision that will reach out to the world.

Iqbal Shaban President of LUCKY GROUP

The "Earth condominium" is proposing to build an organization that is able to harmonize the interests of all Humankind, present and future, with the interests of each State. And this is only possible through an intervention of informed citizens and stakeholders. The "World Green Citizen" is the project of this dreamed global citizenship.

Paulo Magalhães Founding Member of QUERCUS

BWA vision is "to empower leaders for human development era", those leaders whom can inspire and work with others to instill concepts that can encourage responsibility and invite deep rooted changes. One of the main BWA areas of focus is the environment and sustainable development, through its "Environmental Citizenship program". Both World Green Citizen and Environmental Citizenship Program tackle issues of sustainable consumption and its role in achieving sustainable development, which is a deep-rooted value supporting BWA vision.

Wajeeha S. Albaharna Chairman of Bahrain Women Association for Human Development

As we begin a new year I am excited to support World Green Citizen in their journey to ensure that our world has a sustainable future. This is the most important time in the history of the world for a human to be alive because the actions our generation take today will impact the world for the next 5 million years. We are at the brink of a mass extinction event that the world has not seen since the age of the dinosaurs except this one is caused by a single species, ours, homo sapiens which ironically means "wise man." We can chose whether our species achieves greatness or becomes the greatest scourge to the planet since a meteor hit the planet 65 million years ago.

Louie Psihoyos Academy award winning Director for “The Cove (2009)”, Oscar for the Best Documentary

As the year 2012 comes to an end, our Mother Earth struggles with a tremendous burden of disasters, many of them compounded by human actions. Global climate change is an undeniable fact, and so is water scarcity and increasingly toxic pollution of our oceans, waterways, our air and our bodies. But we are not helpless in the face of these disasters. Just as we contributed to many of them, we can lead our way out of it, towards a better future for the generations to come. We all must become World Green Citizens - a truly visionary concept - and invoke the age old principles shared by Bedouins, Mayans and all indigenous people of living in harmony and honoring our Mother.

Daniella Russo (USA)Co-founder and Executive Director - Plastic Pollution Coalition

As the destructive power of industrial growth society reaches a breaking point, humanity is called to evolve our collective consciousness to the next level. Awakening citizens all over the globe are reconnecting their hearts and minds with the sacred miracle of Earth, and I believe that art and the World Green Citizen project can play a crucial role in this healing process.

Chris Jordan (USA)Director, Midway Media Project

“To attain our Goals, Humanity must perceive that we are Children dependent upon Mother Earth” “World Green Citizen paves a path to social justice, clean environment and economic prosperity".

Dr Rula Qalyoubi (National Peace Foundation)JORDAN

“As global citizens, we all have the responsibility to act and work effectively together to lead positive change for our future. At Bee’ah, we are committed to empowering communities to reduce their carbon footprint through recycling and practicing sustainable habits, and I am proud to support the World Green Citizen project, and help contribute my knowledge and experiences to making a difference to our planet’s environment.”

Khaled Al Huraimel (Bee'ah)Sharjah, UAE

Imagine a world where everyone has access to clean water and green energy. It isn't a dream. Green energy is becoming the least costly generation method. It's our responsibility and opportunity to start building that world today and act proactively to achieve it with awareness platforms such as World Green Citizen.


COP18 signaled a milestone for Gulf oil and gas producing countries, paving the way for their leadership in energy diversification. World Green Citizen promises to follow on this path, allowing for substantial discussion surrounding the issues of sustainable living, and a promising outlet of leadership.

John ToppingFounder and President The Climate Institute (USA)

Technical progress and new communication tools are set to spur new forms of learning, inspiration, motivations and organizational innovations enabling people everywhere to push ahead with the multiple small but significant changes to human behavior that are needed for building a sustainable future. We are looking to World Green Citizen to help underpin the platform and enable the broad-based partnership that will be instrumental for leveraging these agendas.

Thomas Anderssen(IKED) - SWEDEN

As an advocate for women's rights, I believe that mankind should recognize that we all come from and will return to our Mother Earth. If we are in harmony with nature, we can learn much that would improve human rights, social justice and respect for women as equals. We would be capable of creating a heaven on earth for every living being instead of destroying it for ourselves and future generations. Mankind must stop looking at Mother Earth and women as objects to exploit in order to satisfy greed and ego, forgetting that doing so is the path to self-destruction. I believe in the World Green Citizen because of its great efforts to reach out to mankind to raise awareness and take action to protect our planet. If everyone joins it will help make the world a better place.


World Green Citizen is an organization with a high Nobel cause. I am deeply engaged in Human Rights and Diplomacy and i trully think that our visions and missions are cross cutting issues.

Mohammed Y. Al-Tarawneh(United Nations) - JORDAN

Our vision is to have "The Region Free from Hunger by 2020", since we developed our model in 2006 we included saving wasted food as one of the main pillars to achieve our goal. The fact that globally we lose & waste an average of 42% of the food production, while total hunger represents only 14%, this means if we professionally manage to save only 33% of the wasted food, we can reach "ZERO HUNGER." Not only in the region but worldwide. Awareness and culture change can make it happen. Therefore, our vision related to reducing Food wastes is in line with the Sustainable Living approach that World Green Citizen is driving under the FOOD pillar, and we are confident that our collaboration will have a global impact.

Dr Moez El Shohdi(Egyptian Food Bank) - EGYPT

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