About world green citizen
World Green Citizen is a global platform that aim to help people adopting a Sustainable Living attitude and habit through awareness, facts and actions.
World Green Citizen is a democratic platform for all of us to contribute towards sustainable development and promoting healthy green living.
It is a platform led, fed and followed by all responsible and green citizens of the world in order to inspire each and everyone.
On this platform we raise green and unsustainable issues and hope to find solutions through debates, dialogues, conversations by sharing experiences and expertises. We aim to be a trustful platform where people can learn from each other with the actions in their daily life for a SUSTAINABLE LIVING.
We will as well highlight genuine eco-friendly, green and healthy products that would be audited by our independent and qualified team. We will attempt to clarify all meanings behind global certifications or global labelling that could mislead consumers.
Individual, Corporate, or Government, we welcome all to post your best practices in green and sustainable living for tomorrow.
Our ultimate goal is to provide trustful and structured information to help people making their choice and living sustainably
The World Green Citizen’s vision is to be the global reference platform in sustainable living practices for responsible citizens and consumers, yet keeping a comfortable living level.
Provide a platform that reflects the global need in terms of: citizenship for governments to implement the suitable regulations, and consumerism for corporates to create the suitable products.
- Align citizens in every country to promote and adopt sustainable practices.
- Assist and educate all citizens around the globe in implementing sustainable practices.
- Connect all like-minded citizens on sustainable development.
- Provide a dynamic platform and the basics to raise awareness on Sustainable Living practices in the context of sustainable development.
- Guide citizens gradually into actions in achieving Sustainability goals.
